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Participated SWOT analysis - Malta 18th February 2020
ISPRA - May 2020

Topic: Shared and participated definition of the main threats linked to weakness and significant opportunities in the face of the strengths by using the SWOT methods related to the information flux in the management system and policies about NIS and Sea Bed integrity.

Participants: University of Palermo, ISPRA, CNR-IAS, University of Malta, ERA Malta, DFA Malta

Coordination Partner: ISPRA

Description of the activity: In the participatory path, SWOT analysis was used to define the framework of the main threats linked to weakness and significant opportunities in the face of the strengths within the key actors in a shared and participated way. For this purpose, the event is divided into two moments, in the first the participants are informed by the holder about the participatory path and in particular about method, objectives, expected results and different phases of the present activity; subsequently participants are called upon to work together with ideas, hints, creative proposals to look for the best common strategies to value the project and make it effective. Therefore, after a brief introduction of the role of participatory process within Harmony project, stakeholder database has been shared as tool of the activity together with the stakeholder map obtained by analysis. Draft of the info graphic was presented as output and example of a co design path. The discussion mainly focused on the needs and points of view of the researchers supported by holder which target on this common starting point that can be developed in subsequent meetings. In particular it was defined a detailed framework of the strength and weakness in the communicatory flow related to NIS and Sea bed integrity.

Elements came out during the activity: Through the SWOT analysis, it was possible to define a detailed framework of the strength and the risks in which is evident a trouble framing the communication topic In particular, the following are the identified strength:

  • need to keep open the discussion of during SWOT analysis by using a web platform in which is possible to work asynchronously for the definition of the points highlighted in the SWOT analysis
  • sharing of policy analyses and linked governance system among Harmony partners
  • first approach for the definition of communication and dissemination of results of research in the framework of the project
  • main differences and agreement in the monitoring and data collection between Italy and Malta and the corresponding activation of a “rapid response” protocol